Sunday, June 20, 2010

Brave Judith

This Judith and Holofernes (c.1554) is by the Italian Renaissance painter Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574).
Interesting is the two dimensional reduction certainly inspired by roman fresco paintings.


  1. Hello , my blog is one year old. Good reason to celebrate birthday. I organize a raffle, I would be glad if you would choose an object, which is then raffled among all participants. All are invited. Regards Jürgen.

  2. My version from 2K08-Hi there I am glad I found your blog. I'm a painter-and am doing a large scale project on Salome that will culminate in several large scale works... however it is my Judith and The Head of Holiferenes I did oh about 2 years ago you should see- please go to my site and go to Judith- it is to say the least a major version of this grand old subject piggy backed upon contemporary politics...Please do look at it- it is the toughest of paintings to photograph but its captured well enough despite lost subtleties and some glare. Entirely painted in oil paint it is a work of complete contemporaneity melded with a "Roman" spirit. You are welcome to include it in your blog if you so desire. You'll see from other work why Ilove and shall use your blog regularly! -Milo Reice
